#66: Closet Chaos to Clarity - 5 Mistakes Keeping You Stuck
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The Organized-ish Parent Podcast

Helping parents get organized and raise independent kids
organized-ish parent podcast cover of show host
podcaster, woman behind the mic

Episodes are out every other week and are about:

Organizing your home, teaching kids life skills, and working as a team with your partner to raise capable, independent kids ♥

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What people are saying...

This podcast is a life saver. As a parent of 2 kids and running a business full time getting one’s house tidy is quite challenging. It is important to notice that after the whole day going up and down, getting home to a tidy environment is a must to decompress. Dianne does a really great breakdown and steps to take to address the clutter in the house. The content is comprehensive and practical. After just a few episodes it really helped me understand how to approach the clutter in the house all taking into account my very busy schedules. I could write a whole essay about everything I learned thus far, but I strongly suggest anyone going through the same issue to give Dianne’s podcast a try. You will be in for a treat and wealth of information when it comes to organizing your place
Lynda Merisier
Mom and entrepreneir
Love this latest podcast! The fact that you said you were resentful struck a chord with me, I remember feeling the exact same way. My husband wasn’t as forthcoming with help, so I just did it all when it came to the kids till one day I just broke down and asked him for help. He had no clue I was stressing. So important to keep the communication open and let our spouses know how we’re feeling. They aren’t mind readers like us 😆 As moms we lose ourselves in our kids. Our lives change so much, but I can honestly say now having grown kids, they see it, so it’s important to show them that raising kids should be 50/50. Loved this one👍🏼
E Moase
Mom, wife, works full time
I loved this one! (episode #40) We often try to fix what they did and I am learning that by giving them praise rather them seeing their work redone, they tend to try harder the next time (at least for now!)
Joanna M
Mom of 3, wife, teacher with a side biz
Great interview with Kenzo, he is a natural. Very confident and comfortable. Although my child is an adult I found the interview very interesting. I like that you asked Kenzo what HE would do differently, what he enjoyed more and what he disliked. The highlight for me was the dishwasher discussion and chores. No doubt a hot topic in many homes. Should children be remunerated for participating in managing the home?. Love how you asked if mama should be paid for all she does. Lots of awesome moments of reflection for Kenzo. Including the children in the management of the household ( within their capacity) is empowering for them, teaches the importance of " all hands on deck". Why should managing the home be left to 1-2 people? Also, chores in the summer 👎🏽 Well done gang! Where were you 15 years ago?
Angela F.
Mom and working full-time