#64: Busy Moms Organization Strategies with Christiane Shroeter
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#23: Where DO I Start Organizing?

The question I get asked often on private message or casual conversations is this: “Where DO I Start Organizing?“. In today’s video, I answer the question sent to me from Tiffanny via Facebook Live comment, where I answer your questions live every Tuesday at 11am EST. She wants to organize her home but doesn’t know where to start.

Here’s a quick look at today’s episode:
  • 0:40 Some say the best best place to start is at the beginning. Not when the start of your organizing journey. Go where it hurts: your pain point. Where’s the space that totally drives you nuts? Usually, it’s right where all the action is. For example : common areas in your home. It’s the place where most, or all of the members of your household segregate/use. If I were starting out, this is where I’d start organizing.
  • 1:16 Another way to guide you on where to start organizing, would be to put yourself in someone else’s shoes. If you entertain or have people over, pretend that they’re coming over. In this video, I walk you through how to do this. If you don’t have people over often, try placing yourself in another family member’s state of mind. For example, it could be your child. When they wake up in the morning or come home after school, what’s the ONE thing they head straight for. Or, what can CATCH their eye and set them off course into the endless abyss of playing vs homework or getting ready for school/day, etc. Avoiding that area of temptation that can throw the schedule out the door or waste time, is the perfect place to start organizing!
  • 2:00 Organizing can be overwhelming. There’s so much in front of you, or you don’t know how long it’ll take or if you’ll finish everything on time so you just don’t start. I get it. So, if the project seems to be way over your head, in the video, I suggest starting small. Start with small easy wins at the beginning, will put you in the path to success when it comes to organizing your home.
  • 3:32 Similar to the first point, start organizing the eyesores. The difference here is that it hasn’t gotten so deep that it’s painful. But it IS straining to your eyes. A great example of this is: counter tops. This is a great and quick place to start organizing because our counter tops are constantly collecting things from toys to art work, from leftover snacks to last week’s mail, or random parts that don’t even belong in that room. You know, once your eyes are straining on a messy space for so long, your brain gets involved and has to do the extra work to process everything – EVERY TIME! Talk about unnecessary mental load! Soon enough, it’ll become a pain point and can affect the rest of your body. Let’s not get to that shall we? So start organizing the eyesore before it’s too late.
  • 4:11 This is where A LOT of the main issue lies. Your items don’t have proper homes so no one really knows WHERE to put things. Instead of putting them back in the appropriate spot, the mess gets moved from one place to another. So your counter top or living room may be tidied, great. Now go ahead and check where those (tidied) items went. Often, it’s shoved somewhere that just “fits”. Starting your organizing project does have several layers to it. Sometimes we just need direction and guidance. This is where a professional Organizer comes in
  • 4:41 Here, I mention the common mistake that happens when it comes to organizing. One person starts and for a few days, it’s great but then it’s back to the same mess, just like before. I’ve seen it and lived it so I get it! When you start your organizing journey, listen in especially at this point. It’s an important one!
Click here to start watching!

Do you have an organizing question that you want answered? Send me an email. Your courage to ask IS definitely helping out another parent struggling with organizing their home AND life!

Want to know where I answer your Qs? I go LIVE on my Facebook page every Tuesday at 11 am EST.

Where Do I Start Organizing?
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