#64: Busy Moms Organization Strategies with Christiane Shroeter
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#20: Hack for Folding Tops – the Marie Kondo Method

For over a year now, we’ve applied the Marie Kondo Method to folding our clothes. It has created a significant difference in space and time. Space: there’s more of it. Time, less of it spent putting clothes away or looking for what to wear every morning. Why? because everything fits neatly together, visible and accessible. The tricky part, however, is getting items to look the same way after folding. In particular: Folding Tops Marie Kondo Method.

Mom showing her kids how to fold tops Mare Kondo Method using a home made guide

We all have them, we all own them and yeah, they come in different shapes, sizes, material and lengths. Folding them is not always… consistent. That’s why, it’s OFTEN the same person DOING ALL the folding in the household. Now, what IF I told you , you can get ALL the members in your family folding the same way??? Not impossible with a GUIDE!

In today’s video

I walk you through folding tops Marie Kondo Method for both adult as well as a kids sized using inexpensive household items: A medium sized (clean) box, folders OR a large paper (approx 11 ” x 17″). I also show you how to fold Marie Kondo Method without a guide and ensuring it’s done perfectly by all members of the family!

Of the whole laundry process, folding is a BEAST

Kids folding tops Marie Kondo Method

Regardless of the number of baskets we’re living off of, folding doesn’t have to be difficult and can actually be quite fun! I know my kids like the new guide and look forward to using it whenever it’s folding time – which is daily (insert happy dance here) !

Now, their drawers are looking organized and neat. They’re proud to contribute this, to the ease of putting away and helping momma out!

For those wanting to skip to the good parts here you go:

  • 0:25 Dimensions used for clean box
  • 1:01 Got the box, what next?
  • 2:00 Folding and adult top Marie Kondo Method using the guide
  • 3:37 Folding child size top Marie Kondo Method using the guide
  • 4:52 Alternate material #1 you can use as a guide!
  • 6:26 What I didn’t like about this guide…but it still works
  • 6:56 Solution to what I didn’t like! 😉
  • 8:54 Alternate material #2 you can used as a guide!
  • 10:39 All positives about folding Marie Kondo Method
  • 11:14 No guide? No problem!
  • 12:30 What’s the whole point of ALL of this anyway???

Review and Sign Up

I’d love to know what your processes are when getting the kids to do laundry – or if have YET to instill one! I’ll be happy to help you out! Be sure to write it in the comments below, send me a quick email at dianne@diannejimenez.com, or message my Facebook or Instagram page!

Do have any questions or just want to talk to me about your organizing journey? My direct messenger is always open; I would be happy to talk to you about it!

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