#61 Reset Your Year: Creating a Personal Routine That Works
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#17: Girls Hair Accessories, 10 Minutes to Tidy!

Does your daughter LOVE doing her hair? Or is she insisting on her locks tied back tight for easier play? Then you definitely have girls hair accessories – either in her room, in a drawer or container… or sometimes (like me) EVERYWHERE! Here’s a quick organizing activity for your girls hair accessories that will get you tidy in 10 minutes!

In Today’s Video

I take you behind the scenes as I organize and clean out my daughter’s hair accessories. And, go through what’s considered the hair station that works at my house. I hope you get some ideas or inspiration from it. Warning though, it’s nothing too special lol!

If organizing your home is too overwhelming, then this video is exactly what you need so that we can do this TOGETHER: 1 step at a time. Remember taking care of a small area of your home is a STEP FORWARD in YOUR organizing journey!

Small wins every day or EVERY week = BIG wins and positive changes this time next year, this time next week!

Now, if you’re STILL not convinced that you can get through this, have TONNNS of girls hair accessories and you’re thinking:

10 minutes from start to finish? Dianne, that’s impossible!

Then just block off 10 minutes and start from the beginning. You may want to set 10 minute blocks for each of the following steps. Or break each step in 10 minute chunks because there’s just SO MUCH stuff!!

It’s OK love, I’ve got you covered right here so let’s take this nice and SLOW:

girls hair accessories organized in a plastic container
Accessories organized in the Antonius basket insert by IKEA
  • Separate piles or group like-items together: small clips, big elastics, small elastics, bobby pins, scrunchies, headbands, etc.
  • Go through each pile 1 by 1 and weed out those that are: old, have lost their function and/or appeal, broken, etc.
  • Decide on the type of container you want to use. Use what you’ve got FIRST. Don’t forget that sopping for the perfect organizer is always available. So, I suggest holding off on that until you’re comfortable and the system you set for yourself WORKS for you and those using the item(s) mmmk?
  • Decide WHERE the official home will be. Keep it simple and accessible for all those using it.
  • Remember, this system can change over the years as our kids grow. So it’s OK that you touch back to this station down the road!

Review and Sign Up

What items are you struggling with organizing? Often times, a different perspective or an outside PROFESSIONAL opinion to bounce ideas off of – is exactly what you need! Be sure to write it in the comments below, send me a quick email at dianne@diannejimenez.com, or message my Facebook or Instagram page!

Do have any questions or just want to talk to me about your organizing journey? My direct messenger is always open; I would be happy to talk to you about it!

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