#64: Busy Moms Organization Strategies with Christiane Shroeter
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#16: 3 Things to Try to Feel More in Control at Home During COVID-19

These are some crazy times we’re living in, ain’t it? Trying to adjust to the new dynamic at home can leave most of us feeling lost, overwhelmed, anxious and depleted. These are just to name a few and it hasn’t even been 2 weeks yet! Here are 3 things to try to make everything a bit easier!

Today’s Topic

So I decided to pop in Live on my Facebook Page yesterday (March 24th) to check-in with everyone AND give them 3 things to try this week. Aim for 3 but attempt one at least in hopes for you to gain some control over this situation.

I walk you through 3 achievable goals that YOU set for yourself. What I mean by achievable? It means to break them down into simpler forms/steps. So for instance, if your goal is to keep the house tidy by end of day, set an alarm to remind you 20-30 minutes before to do that quick clean up. Get the whole family to help. When you set the same time every day, it promotes certainty, builds trust and a stronger community. All positive feelings that help overcome the overwhelm, worry and not-so-fun feelings from before

In Today’s Video

In our home, we made it clear that 2 things are always being done: Eating and Wearing Clothes. Without maintenance, these essential needs won’t be met. So, we had to get the kids to understand that this is REAL life. Dishes need to be washed and put away, laundry needs to be done E.V.E.R.Y.D.A.Y.

If you ever want to drive a point home, this is THE BEST time to implement. And what better way than a life skill or a positive habit. Because in the end, both of you will benefit! Take advantage of it my friend, take FULL advantage of this time WITH our family.

The great thing about this is that it doesn’t have to be perfect by the end of the week – no ma’am! This all just has to work for you and that everyone comes out of it feeling more at peace, less overwhelmed and that although it feels chaotic outside – it’s all under control chez vous!

We’re in this together and I’m encouraging you every step of the way.

Which 3 things will you try this week?

For those wanting to skip to the good parts here you go:
  • 0:44 What you get, this is me – I’m trying….
  • 0:56 It’s been over a week now. How are you all doing?
  • 1:14 For every dark cloud, there’s always a Silver Lining!
  • 2:41 Now’s the time to implement Life Skills
  • 3:47 What I realized while taking our walks
  • 4:36 My notes about 3 things to try
  • 5:41 Could I do these 3 things every day?
  • 6:10 Set 1 personal goal
  • 8:21 Focus on 1 productive family activity or project
  • 10:14 Implement a structure or good-habit for kids
  • 10:40 What we’re trying with our kids

Review and Sign Up

What amazing products have you purchased from IKEA? I’d love to know what worked and what didn’t. Be sure to write it in the comments below, send me a quick email at dianne@diannejimenez.com, or message my Facebook or Instagram page!

Do have any questions or just want to talk to me about your organizing journey? My direct messenger is always open; I would be happy to talk to you about it!

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