#64: Busy Moms Organization Strategies with Christiane Shroeter
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#15: How Our Kids’ Room Went From No Space to More Space with IKEA

When the kids’ room is just big enough for sleeping but lacks personal space, AND it’s time to switch rooms…what do we do? Simple, we purchase two beds from IKEA that answer ALL our needs! From no space to more space in the kids’ room with IKEA, giving everyone their very own private nook! This new build is not just about more room, it’s creating memories.

Our situation …

As you may know, three kids and two bedrooms mean someone’s sharing. When our eldest was born, we set him up in the baby room which was also the smallest. Over two years later we had our daughter and the guestroom naturally turned into the nursery.

Not even two years flew by and baby #3 arrived, our son and last child. For a stint, we bunked our 2 oldest in the small bedroom. We figured installing my old bunk bed from the 80’s was much easier than an alternative. Rearranging three young children’s sleeping and furniture arrangement is as appealing as waxing! So we said no to swapping the kids’ rooms and set the baby up in the ready-to-go nursery!

Then we decided to add more on our plate – we love surprises! We needed to create more space and update our home, especially the kids’ rooms. This resulted in our big home renovation (click to watch video)

During renos, we knew we weren’t having any more kids. So by the time we moved back, the crib and all the baby furniture were sold. Because our two youngest were closest in age and played a lot together, we set the bunk beds up again in the bigger room. It just made sense at that time. We knew changes were to come down the road.

Today’s Topic

Years later, change is upon us!

The kids are growing, they’re getting older and we were soon noticing some natural tendencies coming into play:

  1. The boys, although a good 4 years apart, always hung around one another. They’d wake up pretty much at the same time and play noisily together, where ever it was in the house.
  2. As boys grow closer their interests and likes will surely follow suit.
  3. Our daughter was also becoming more independent and craving her own space. It annoys her when her older brother barges in her room or her younger one makes too much noise.
  4. She also prefers her things to be just the way she set it. From nail polish to sweaters, from purses to the multitude of stuffed animals… she really needed her own space.
  5. And finally, we can’t mess with nature. It comes sooner than we think. Their bodies will start to change and questions will be asked (or not), but curiosity is definitely a factor leaning us towards separating the genders.

It’s not to say that there’s a distinct gap between the boys and the girl; they do gravitate towards one another on their own time. They have common interests like watching the same shows, Minecraft, cooking, arts & crafts, and jiu-jitsu, just to name a few. Either one will also look to her for comfort. As much as she says she won’t be šŸ™ she plays the “mommy” role when the babysitter’s here.

So over a week ago, I landed on an ad for the Kura bed from IKEA. Intrigued by its features and longevity, we began to look into it.

This game-changing product just answered the needs for our kids’ rooms.

In Today’s Video

I take you through the features and bonuses of our new build. The transformation is amazing just because there’s just so much more FLOOR and space created. This is something we weren’t expecting at all!

Now, the kids have their own space, place to put their belongings and really grow.]

For those wanting to skip to the good parts here you go:

  • 1:00 – Kura Bed Reveal
  • 1:36 – Nightstand Alternatives
  • 1:54 – A Big Bonus
  • 2:23 – The Kids Own Space
  • 3:01 – The Bed that Grows With You

Review and Sign Up

What amazing products have you purchased from IKEA? Iā€™d love to know what worked and what didn’t. Be sure to write it in the comments below, send me a quickĀ email at dianne@diannejimenez.com, or message myĀ FacebookĀ orĀ InstagramĀ page!

Do have any questions or just want to talk to me about your organizing journey? My direct messenger is always open; I would be happy to talk to you about it!

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