#63 Parent Partnership: Getting on the Same Page
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#23: Getting Organized With Your Last Minute Teachers’ Gifts

Getting Organized With Your Last Minute Teachers’ Gifts


Owner, professional organizer

by Dianne Jimenez

This article takes 14 minutes to read

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Getting Organized With Your Last Minute Teachers’ Gifts


  • What you must do every time (it can save you time and $)
  • The easiest gift to get when you have no time
  • What NOT to get no matter how cute it is

You’ll also get my FREE PDF template to help save you time and ‘what to say’ when you don’t know what to write beyond “thank you!“.


Hello there, Dianne here and you’re listening to the Parenting Guide: Organizing Habits Made Easy podcast.  I’m  thrilled that you’re here spending your precious time with me while you’re out and about or just getting things done!

So today’s podcast episode came from a place of rush, panic and…. well craziness!  No it’s nothing health related or anything life threatening!.  It’s all stemming from love and appreciation. What I’m talking about is the last minute RUSH to get our teachers’ gifts!

This is it! The final home stretch of a very busy school year.  Here in our area, these last few months have been non stop due to events and outings being approved and happening due to lifting of our restrictions back in March. So you better believe our teachers, staff and parents have been busy, busy, busy making the MOST of the tail end of this school year after the last 2 years of multiple shutdowns and restrictions 

This time of year, especially this one, is a good kind of overwhelming because the kids are truly benefitting!  And what’s exciting too is that I’ve heard and seen from many parents: They are now getting to see the  inside of the school! How crazy is that when you think about how the last 2 years have been like?  It’s amazing how the little things we took for granted, make SUCH a huge difference in our lives now.  Like, who would have thought that stepping inside your kids’ school to either watch a show, volunteer or even get a tour because it’s your FIRST time ever since your kid started kindergarten?  To many parents, it’s a huge welcome back to normal life.  It’s truly wonderful to see and experience!

So back to the year end chaos.  On top of the events, outings, shows, exams and final projects comes the time to say ‘thank you and enjoy your summer’ blurb we either say or write on a card, to the people who spend the most time with our kids.  The ones who are tirelessly supporting them, guiding them and basically helping to raise our kids.  These range from the very present teachers and aids to those supporting them in the background, the staff.

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When you ask teachers point blank what they’d like as a gift, they naturally look at you wide eyed, nervously smiling and shaking their heads saying “I don’t know… anything…”!  But what they can tell you in unison and certainty, without even blinking is what they DON’T want: another mug!

You can get ideas from ALL over: Pinterest, any Facebook group with moms and even doing a plain ol’ Google search.   From ordering, to DIY the ideas are ENDLESS – If you have time….. 

And this episode is about NOT having much time to do all of the searching, ordering or origami-ing. So what do you do to show your appreciation and thanks when you have VERY LITTLE TIME and it’s almost running out?  Well I’m about to tell you what I do – because I’m going through it right now – I’ll give you some tips and ideas as well as provide you with a little template to help you out. Today’s podcast episode is about Getting Organized With Your Last Minute Teachers’ Gifts.   Are you ready?  Let’s go!

Number 1:  MAKE A LIST

So because TIME isn’t on our side here, anything quick, fast and EASY – especially this last one – are a priority when it comes to the WHOLE process from what to get, where to get the gift and how they will be distributed.  Depending on how many teachers’ gifts you’re giving out and how much you’re putting in per gift, it can blow your gift budget if you don’t plan ahead.   Now I know there’s no more time to plan ahead but this one thing is a must whether you have lots of time or not: MAKE A LIST.  It’s the first thing I always do.

Brain dumping all the names on a paper ensures that I don’t forget anyone.  I even group the names by kid. I get my kids to help me because often, teachers and staff change over the course of the year. Just a quick example of this is,  this year I was assigned to supervise a kindergarten class from the beginning of the school year until the Holidays and the second half of this year, I’ve been with the grade 5s.

So it’s a good idea to get the kids involved from the start because you have the latest scoop on the people supporting and guiding your kids.

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Another advantage about creating a list is that you have a clear picture of how many teachers’ gifts you will potentially need.  I say potentially because some people give to all their kids’ teachers, the specialty teachers like phys. Ed, music, art, dance etc., as well as the staff involved in their daily lives too but more behind the scenes, type of thing like the daycare supervisors, the secretary, the custodian and even the bus driver.

Having a list gives you the BIG picture and a good ‘Reality check’.  Little gifts here and there add up quickly.  Before you know it, you’ve either over spent or forgot someone that you really wanted to thank with a gift…. And then going well over your intended amount or feeling guilty about it all summer long.

Look, going over amounts happens to most of us and we don’t really talk about it because… hey, they’re for our kids’ teachers and why shouldn’t we give them more, they deserve it!

They surely do but, at what cost to you?

Ok so back to looking at your list you can decide what your budget is AND the path you want to take:  Take that allotted amount and give a little bit to everyone or give more to specific individuals.  

This is a PERSONAL choice.

Let me repeat this last part again.  Whether you take the allotted amount you’ve budgeted for teachers’ gifts and split it among the teachers and staff OR split the amount among a smaller, specific group, the choice is yours and it IS a very personal choice. Don’t go looking at what Ken’s mom did or what Barbie is giving.  I’m totally using ‘known’ doll names here to drive the point.  Teachers’ gifts are optional and it doesn’t matter what the next family is doing. You do what’s comfortable and right for you and your family.

Ok, moving on.

Number 2 : MAKE IT EASY

Ahhh! The million dollar question that has thousands upon thousands of comments under hundreds of threads across Facebook groups involving moms.  It’s also the hot topic of conversation at the morning drop offs and afternoon pick ups or on the field during baseball practice.  What’s the perfect gift for our most amazing teachers?

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Like I mentioned before, as sweet and beautiful the art is , don’t give mugs.  When you fall in the ‘last-minute’, like most parents prepping for teachers’ gifts right now, myself included, there’s no time for making anything… unless you’re really quick and crafty, that’s not me, not with time constraints!

So the best route and most flexible, EASIEST to get and readily available almost anywhere – online too – are gift cards!  I know many people find gift cards to be so impersonal but it’s the most flexible one out there. You literally let the recipient choose what they want from the store or company you selected.  Even more choice is going with a visa or mastercard gift card but then you’re dealing with activation fees which can eat up your budget.  So the next most flexible card out there is an amazon gift card.  The sky’s the limit with this.

A friend of mine said that she felt bad that she’s only able to put a smaller denomination than she’d like. I said “Let’s look at it this way: whatever amount you’re giving helps them get whatever it is that they want to get”  Every little bit counts here and truly, when it comes to a gift – whether it’s an actual physical item or a gift certificate or card, it’s the thought and intention that count.

So when it comes to gift cards you have choices from whichever company offers them.  Now, when it comes to getting last minute teachers’ gifts that are gift cards, are you a 1 stop shop, everyone gets the same thing or different cards for different people?

For sure the latter is very personalized, well thought-out and requires TIME.  So since the topic of today’s podcast episode is focusing on LAST MINUTE gift items, time isn’t on our side.

So for us, I normally stick with gift cards from 1 store or company just because I want to keep it as SIMPLE and EASY as possible.  However, I do add personalized touches which I’ll talk about in a minute.

A girlfriend of mine does the other way and gets gift cards from multiple places. Nowadays, you can get these at a store, like a Shoppers Drug Mart or Wal-Mart and  you’re all set!

So if you’re really down to crunch time, go with the smoothest and easiest thing for you to get.  Remember, it’s the thought that counts here!

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So remember I just briefly talked about personalized touches? I love doing this since my gift cards all come from the same place typically: My kids and I will write a special note for each person.

So depending on the kids’ ages the note would either be written all by me and they would make a drawing and write their name as best they could if they were in preschool or kindergarten.

Or, they would compose their own thank you note and sign away. If they couldn’t come up with anything, I’d have a template that they could follow and sign their name.  If they wanted, they’d add a drawing too or decorate the card – which they did often.

When it comes to the staff and specialty teachers that  teach all my 3 kids, the message inside the card was a mix of either following the template and they all 3 sign it OR a personalized message someone would volunteer to write and the 3 would sign the card.

Now just to be clear, I’m not throwing blank cards on the table and having them sit and write non-stop until the pile is done. No (laughs) I’m not that much of a drill sergeant.   I’m over seeing this whole production and we do them in batches. 3-4 cards at a time.  If you’ve been following me on social media or listened to a few podcast episodes, you may know a little something about me by now, I try to take , maybe not every opportunity, but any opportunity as a teaching moment. 

The process may be redundant and maybe even a little boring for them, so writing mistakes do happen, and things get forgotten so it’s important that there is some sort of organization and structure happening on the table.

So for instance, whichever kid is assigned or has volunteered to write the card for the specialty teachers or staff has their name written next to the recipient.  So this year for example, I asked my oldest son Kai, aside from his regular teachers, which one would he like to write a card for.  I said:

Was there anything special you remembered happening this year that touched you, or was there something you loved or got inspired by what they did or how they taught it?

So he volunteered to write cards for the secretary, and I quote: …because she’s always so nice in letting us in the school when we’re late.” – OK.

And he chose the daycare coordinator: …because she’s so nice and sweet to me!”- Ah, My heart!

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Now usually, because he’s the oldest and can come up with words a lot faster, he gets to write more cards than the other 2. But not much more. 

So I want to help you out:

If all of this writing and coming up with what to say has you more overwhelmed and stressed, and writing something more than a “Thank You” is just not doing it for you.  I’ve got you covered my friend! 

Head toDianneJimenez.com/thankyounote to print out or copy the ‘Thank You’ notes I’m using this year… and some I’ve used in the past.

It’s a 1 page PDF for you to use or inspire you and give you some ideas to come up with your own words to say.

And so when the kids finish writing in the cards, the names of the teachers and staff get crossed off the list, the gift cards get inserted, envelopes get personalized and sealed.  I put 3 post-its out with my kids’ name on each and the envelopes are stacked there ready for each kid to distribute.

If you choose not to handwrite because that’ll just EAT up more of your time, no worries! One message printed out multiple times and attached to a card or using THAT alone as your card still says personalized.  It may not look personalized to you right now because all your teachers’ gifts and messages are identical on the table but when distributed to the recipients… no one can tell or really knows what other teachers and staff got.  Plus, they don’t get them on the same day! They just love feeling loved and appreciated. Don’t we all?

And remember, it’s the thought that counts and don’t forget to give yourself some grace here.  Gifts are so very much appreciated but they’re also optional.

Now to add to the personal touches, I know certain teachers and staff like certain things so often, I’ll add chocolates or candy.  A few years ago, when I was selling jewelry and accessories, I had a few samples still lingering around the house that I wasn’t using, so I’d give those to specific teachers who I KNEW loved this brand of jewelry and accessories.  Another year I had extra unused lotions and creams from a well-known brand.  I gifted those too to the staff and teachers I knew who liked these kinds of things.  So these are quick ideas to give when you don’t have enough time to shop or research.  

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OK! So there you have it – the skinny on how I go about Getting Organized With Your Last Minute Teachers’ Gifts. when time is running out!

So I want to take this moment to congratulate all the teachers and staff constantly showing up for our kids each and every single day.  The stuff that these wonderful people take on, go through, and give so generously for our kids’ benefit and development goes far beyond what they even get paid to do.  They truly are amazing people who’ve devoted their time and energy for the love of teaching children and helping to make this world a better tomorrow. Thank your teachers and staff in any way you can – they truly deserve our love and support.

Getting Organized With Your Last Minute Teachers’ Gifts:


  • MAKE A LIST: List all the teachers and staff that help and support your kids. This ranges from their main teachers to the bus driver! You set the limit here with what’s comfortable for you and your budget.
  • MAKE IT EASY: When you’re out of time, simple and easy is the way to go. So gift cards are the easiest and simplest teachers’ gifts you can give. You can pretty much get them anywhere – even online.  Nowadays you don’t always need a physical card but some companies like Amazon offer online gift cards! It may not be personalized or give that special feel, but they surely appreciate the option to choose what they want to get.
  • Which brings me to the last point, MAKE IT PERSONAL. Whether handwritten by you or the kids or a combo or even printing it out on a nice font with a special message, is still very personal to the recipient. They’re receiving a gift straight from the hands of your kids, how special and meaningful is that?

All right, so my action item for you today is to print out my PDF for the Thank You notes to give you a kick start or a boost of inspo to get those teachers’ gifts out quickly, times running out!

Ok my friend, it’s been a crazy few weeks and I so appreciate your time. And your kind words when I see you either in person or through DM? Thank you!  Please, if you can spare a minute or 2 to write your beautiful comments and post them up on Apple podcast, I’d be forever grateful. And while you’re there, or from wherever you’re listening to this podcast right now, hit that follow button too – Thank you for joining me here today.  I’ll see you back here next week, ok?  Bye bye!

Referenced in this episode

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