#65: The Art of Delegation: Time-Saving Tips for Busy Moms
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Podcast #14: Digital Organizing – Interview With Stéphanie Galipeau From HOP

Digital Organizing - Interview With Stéphanie Galipeau From HOP


Owner, professional organizer

by Dianne Jimenez

This article takes 17 minutes to read

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Well hello there my friend! So glad to have you here!.I hope you all are having a great week and can you believe we’ve already started the 4th month of 2022?  It feels like it wasn’t too long ago that we were ringing in the New Year.  

It’s crazy how time is just flying by us, yet sometimes it feels like the days are just dragging… I don’t know, but 12 weeks have already passed, here we are starting a new month , Spring is in full effect and all the changes that come along with it… It also feels like we’re getting a 2nd wind of energy.  Could it be that there’s more daylight now and that’s giving us more time to get out there and DO stuff? Live a little more?  Or is it that we’re getting into LIVING with COVID and things are getting back to normal. I don’t know – could be both! But I’m loving it.

OK! This episode is a REALLY good one because if you own a phone, a laptop, tablet…..

Basically any kind of device, tool or app that stores your digital files and documents, pictures, or helps you perform tasks much easier or sends you reminders throughout the day…or at the VERY LEAST, you get emails…

This is the episode you want to pay close attention to because it’s ALL about getting your digital clutter organized and so much more!

! I’m SO excited to share with you my VERY FIRST interview on the Parenting Guide: Organizing Habits Made Easy podcast ,with fellow Pro Organizer, colleague, former executive committee member with me – she served as our Montreal chapter chair for the last 4 years and did such an amazing job keeping us all informed and digitally organized too…. But has recently stepped down from that role to put her full focus and energy in the tail end of getting her brand new course out called L’ABC de l’organisation numérique, which translates to: The ABC’s or basics of Digital Organizing.  And if you haven’t guessed already, this course is taught in French.  So if you understand, read or can follow in French and want to get your digital clutter organized and systemized, this course is for you.

But first, let’s get to know more about my guest Stephanie Galipeau, the owner of HOP here in Montreal, Quebec and her brand new course teaching her students the basics of digital organizing!

Are you ready? Let’s go!

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(Start of the interview)

Dianne: Hi, we have Stéphanie Galipeaul here today with us and her company is called HOP.. I’m so happy that you are my first interview and, Stéphanie is going to be creating a course. This is awesome.

Stépahnie – Thank you for having me, Dianne, I’m really happy that I’m your first interview and you’re doing great with your podcast. It is a really good idea.  And it’s really brave of you to do that because it’s that the thing that’s happening right now, and you’re doing great! 

D:  Ah, thank you! Thank you so much.  Can you tell us a little bit about your company and who you are, and what you do?

S:  Yes! And my company is named HOP. It means Harmony Organizing Productivity. So I have two sides of my business. So one side I’m organizing all the digital clutter, all the computers, all the productivity in emails, agenda, passwords, computer files, anything that needs to be organized in that way. And on the other side,I do physical organizing. 

D: That’s really cool, especially now, in our life, right now, everybody is on digital. So you organize that! Ouf!

S:  And I’m actually leaning on doing some training so people get organized and they actually learn to do it; because I don’t want to do it for them. I want them to learn it and be better, and set things that are a process that they can, actually delegate and be organized in the whole process.

D: That’s amazing. Okay. So you said that your main clientele or your main specialty is digital clutter, digital products.  But you also do physical moving and packing and all that. Do you have a particular side that you like more or less?

S:  Well, the office is my main…, the thing I like the most, like paper! It’s something I like to do (laughs).  I know it’s crazy. A lot of people are like: ‘What, you like organizing paper?’ (laughs) ’…filing papers?’ Yes. It’s a system in place:  I love the offices, the home offices, or offices of a company. But I really like doing garages as well, like going dirty and doing the whole system in the garage too.. (laughs)

D:  Oh my gosh! You’re like: the stuff that people DON’T like to do? You’re IT!  I didn’t know that! My hat’s off to you for doing the things people, a lot of organizers don’t want to touch, or a lot of like, just regular people, anybody, they shy away from that. So, bravo to you, Stéphanie! I love it!

Okay. So I know I’m interviewing you now, today, because you have something very, very special coming up very, very soon. I’m so excited that you’re doing this because I think you’re going to be helping thousands and thousands of people, because everybody’s affected by this.

So Stéphanie is going to be creating a course. So can you tell me first, what led you to create this whole process and say, ‘Hey, I’m going to do this’ , why?

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S:  Well,  first of all, I was always getting the same questions from my clients. ‘How do you organize this?’, ‘How do …. I have an email in Hotmail, an email in Gmail and email in Vidéotron or Sympatico…’ (or any other old-fashioned email system that they have) And, ‘I’m losing so much time, like in between! What can I do?’

So finding systems to put them all in one email server so they can save time and not spread themselves between all of those different places. And I get all those questions.  So I said, ‘Why won’t I create this digital class so I can reach as many people as possible?!’

D: That’s amazing. So who is this really for?  Are you talking about students?  Professionals? Who is this really for, your course? 

S:  It’s for solopreneur. People that are at a point that they want to delegate, but they’re not sure what to do, where to begin with. And they’re like, ‘I don’t have time to do it, but I want to delegate but I think, if I delegate, it’s going to be faster if I do it myself.’ You know?

So they’re at this point, confused, or whether they should  let somebody do it, but they’re so not organized in their system because when you’re a solopreneur, you keep everything in your head, you know, everything is not written down, haven’t created a process and I haven’t done any SOP or anything like that….So that’s my clientele. That’s the people that want to have that training. 

D: So your course is going to be pretty detailed. It’s not only just about organizing your emails.  Can you tell me a little bit about it, without giving everything and giving your whole course here, right now, it will be impossible! But just give us like a little glimpse of what your course is going to be like

S:  The title is going to be L’ABC de l’organisation numérique. So it’s really learning the basics to get organized and digital organizing. There’s going to be six modules within seven weeks. So I launch one module at a time, with a one week implementation in the middle. And, we’re not going to organize the email, ‘How to downsize the email’,  but we’re going to organize the process to save time.

That’s like my goal at the end of the day, I want the person to save time as much as possible and simplify their life. So we’re going to talk about decluttering the whole computer, or different digital tools.  We ’re going to organize the agenda, the to-do list, and cloud systems.

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You’re going to have tools to learn how to take digital notes, the system to do that, so to lower the paper around us, and we’re going to have a module about time management as well. We’re going to learn a lot of the tools to help you save time because if I want you to save time, you have to learn how to manage your time at one point. (laughs)

And we’re going to talk about how to eliminate copies (duplicates) in your computer. Because sometimes people save it, download a file somewhere and then they copy it somewhere else, so they have it twice and sometimes they share it with somebody, they have it a third time…So we’re going to eliminate all that. (laughs)

D:  That’s GREAT – because my brain’s already thinking and saying, ‘oh yeah, how do I do that?’…When you create a document in your computer and then you share it on Google drive, let’s say, and then you see it on your other email. And then you’re like, ‘…so if I delete this side, will it delete everything for everyone?

So I think you’re going to be hitting a lot of people needing this because anything computer-wise, sometimes it’s very confusing, it’s very intimidating because, you know, you are thinking you delete something and it’s gone forever. And then you screwed up the whole system and process. So luckily you created a system to help us with this.

So the name of your course is… L’ABC de l’organisation numériqueSo in English, as you can see, this is a French course, right now.  We are in Quebec and Stéphanie is bilingual, but she’s teaching the course in French and this is great. Really awesome!

Maybe ONE DAY there’ll be an English course available, but if you’re French or you’re bilingual and you can understand and follow in French by all means, take this course.  

S:  Maybe we’ll do the translation, but we’ll start the …

D & S : …we’ll start with step one! (laughs

D: So in English, it’s the ABC of digital organizing. Wow! Really good. When is your launch date? 

S:  So my launch date will be April 25th and we’re going to release the first module on that day. And then one week at a time I will release one module, aiming to finish in the first week of June.

But people will be able to have that for life.  So, if they’re not ready for one module, they can do it later and have all the notes, the exercise, the PDFs, all the videos, they will have access for the rest of their lives to do it.

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D:  That’s great. So how can someone get some information before diving deep into the course? Are you offering, like an opt-in freebie or something?  So tell me about that. 

S: Yes. I’m going to release a Masterclass.  A FREE Masterclass, April 13 on 3 stratégies pour déléguer sans dépenser 1$ / 3 strategies to delegate without spending $1. Everybody can attend that and it’s only limited on the 13th of April. It’s going to be at 1130 AM (EST). And, we’ll have a lot of fun and you’ll learn a lot just from that class. And then you can have more information about the training. This Masterclass will have a bonus just for the people who show up live. 

D: All right. So at the time of this recording, we’re recording this a lot earlier than when your Masterclass will be going out or even earlier than when your course will be launched. So at the time of the release of this episode, you’re going to want to head to the link for the masterclass at the end of this show notes, to save your seat for April 13th masterclass with Stéphanie, you don’t want to miss this.  It’s free and you’re going to learn so much in this class.

Yeah, (laughs) I’m thinking about it. I’m like, ‘I should join this class. This is going to be awesome.’ 

S:  If you’re not available for that day, you can still register. You’ll have 24 hours to watch the replay. And I also have a free tool that you can watch. It’s a 25 minutes video with a PDF attached, it’s called the 5 tools to get organized with your digital space as well. So it’s in French. It’s always in French. Sorry about that…laughs

D:  (interrupts) Don’t apologize. 

S:  It’s really easy. You have the detail in the video, and so you can already have some tools to help you out and start small. 

 D:  Awesome. So I know you talked a little bit about this, so for your course, what will your students learn or get out of it?  What are you hoping that they get out of it?

S:  Well, they will learn to simplify their life, for sure. To have less time to spare on searching for things. It’s like organizing your closet, putting bins here and there to find your things, just the same thing. All your computer will be like, so categorized and so organized that you will save so much time. You’ll be like, ‘Oh, my God!’, you won’t need to delegate right away because you’ll save so much time. You’ll be able to put everything in place. So when you’re ready to delegate, it’ll be fast and it will be less expensive and you will save in time and energy and in money, as well.

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D:  Amazing. So this class is strictly, well, not strictly, but for solopreneurs.  Would you say that maybe even people who are not even solopreneurs yet, but they’re interested in just organizing their digital stuff to take this course? 

S: Yes, for sure. You’re like in an office working as an employee and you want to get your stuff organized because you want to be more efficient. Yes. It’s for you as well.  And if you’re a mom at home and if you’re just tired, you don’t have time! When we’re a mom  (laughs)  I mean, I don’t know about you, but I only have one kid and I don’t have time. So I mean, one or more kids and if you want to save time, you can take my class. You know, even if you’re a retired mom or just a stay at home mom, it’s no problem because it’s a full-time job to be a mom already…! (laughs)

D:  Yeah, tell me about it! (laughs).

S:  We’re going to talk about passwords. So just everybody, it touches everybody, passwords. We have to learn, on average, between 27 to 40 passwords every week, you know  (laughs).  So just for that, you know, you can watch my class!   (laughs

D:  Oh my gosh. Wow. Like I said before, I think that you’re going to be touching thousands and thousands and thousands of people who need this course, because we are all connected with the internet and social media. And if you have a computer and you have a cell phone, you have digital stuff, especially if you have kids or fur babies, you’re taking a lot of pictures, you know, so we need to know what to do with ALL of this stuff!

So that’s really, really good. So where can we get more information from you? Where do we find you, Stéphanie? I will also be posting the links in the show notes. So go ahead.

S:  My website is solutionHOP.com. So that’s the main place where you can get all the information. I even have a list of free tools to use, like my toolbox, that have the  applications that I’m using. So you can find that on my website.  You’ll have the link for the training and the free tool, everything is on there.

But you can find me as well on Facebook. I have my page that’s HOP – with Stéphanie Galipeau, and you have my free group for solopreneur, or anybody who wants to learn more digital infos, and tips and hacks. So you can go at les Entrepreneurs efficaces on Facebook. That’s a private group.

Also for the residential. I have a YouTube channel, which is SOS Rangement that I co-own with another organizer.

And on my Instagram, it’s called @hop_productivite. So you can find other stuff there. 

D:  That’s amazing! So after the pandemic, especially, like we’re getting out of it right now, everybody’s been “holed” in their home. So we’ve been very busy with our digital everything with a computer. So…. 

S:  Yeah, well said … with everything. (laughs )

D: DIGITAL EVERYTHING and you are the go-to for this. So thank you so much, Stéphanie, this was a lot of information and I think an information that we all need, so this is really good, and I’m so excited for you that I get to help you launch your beautiful course. Cool! Thank you so much, Stéphanie. Thank you!

(End of the interview)

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All right. So let’s do a quick recap from that interview

Stephanie is not only a master at organizing your digital clutter, but she also specializes in organizing physical items too. Her loves: organizing paper and garages… 2 main areas in the organizing industry that overwhelm most of us and I don’t know how she does it – hats off to her!

She’s pretty amazing and I’m so glad to call her my friend.

Stéphanie’s launching her first course out to you if you want to get all the digital clutter – that’s all your documents, files, folders, agendas, tools, apps, etc. that are stored in your electronic devices : all organized, decluttered and streamlined so they help you save time and money.

Her course is called L’ABC de l’organisation numérique, which translates to: The ABC’s or basics of Digital Organizing.  It’ll be launched April 25th, 2022.

But first, if you want to get a glimpse of how Stéphanie teaches and get more tools to help you right now, sign up to save your seat in her FREE Masterclass launching April 13th. The Masterclass is called: the 3 strategies to delegate without spending $1.  As she mentions, there is a BONUS for those who show up LIVE for the class.  

So save your seat for her Masterclass here:  


 So if you know someone who’s struggling or having a hard time finding their things either on their phone or laptop or devices, and all they want to do  is: work seamlessly, efficiently and just…make their life easier… but it’s really not… text them the link to this episode.

In fact, if you’ve been listening to any or all of my past episodes so far, thank you for being on this journey with me.  But you know what’s even better? Going on a journey with someone we care about and want to see them grow and succeed. So you can take this a step further and share any episode with a friend, or two, who you might think “Yeah, they need to hear this”. Share it with them.

My mission is to help people live their best life in the moment – and we can only do that when we create space – whether physically, mentally and…digitally.  

Thank you so much friend for being here today. I’ll see you next week. Bye for now.

Referenced in this episode

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